Objective: Children will design and write about a burrow they would like to live in.
Materials: paper, crayons, pencils
- Invite kids to imagine that, like a vole, they could build a home underground and live in it. What would it be like? Encourage them to sketch out a plan fi rst, remembering these details:
- It’s dark underground— how would they see?
- Burrows are deep— how would they get in and out?
- What would they do for fun in the burrow?
- Let kids draw their burrow “dream homes”—they can have one room or more than one. Kids can add labels if they like.
- Next, give children an index card or sheet of writing paper and have them write a few sentences describing their burrow and why they like it. Attach their description to the bottom of the drawing and put the burrows on display! (SKILL: L.1.1 Conventions of English when writing)