Objective: feeling and expresssing gratitude.
Materials: clear glass jar, slips of paper, pencils
- This activity can be done with students in the classroom or at home with families. Take a clear glass jar and, if you like, decorate it. You might tie a ribbon around it, write or draw on it with permanent markers, or put stickers on it.
- Keep a supply of paper strips and pencils next to the jar. Any time someone notices something they are grateful for, or that makes them happy, they should write it on a slip of paper and place it in the jar. It can be anything, from a sunny day to reading a story.
- Encourage kids (and adults!) to put at least one piece of paper in the jar each day. When the jar is full, kids can come up and read what they wrote. Then have a celebration—there is so much to be grateful for!
(SKILL: L.1.1 Conventions of English when writing)