Objective: Children will create “chilly” snowmen and write tips for keeping them safe!
Materials: one bottle of school glue, one can of shaving cream, construction paper, markers
- The recipe for this “chilly” snow paint couldn’t be easier! Just chill a bottle of school glue in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, leave it on the counter for ten minutes, and then combine equal parts glue and shaving cream. (You can even add glitter if you like.)
- Now have kids paint a chilled snowman on a contrasting color of construction paper, such as blue. They can add features by sticking on small, pre-cut bits of construction paper or fabric scraps. You can also use googly eyes and pom poms.
- When children’s snowmen are done, have them write a safety tip by fi nishing this sentence at the bottom: Keep me away from ________! Encourage children to fi ll in the blank with anything that might be hot, warm, or cause the snowman to melt for any reason. You should get some creative responses—anything from hot cocoa to hot tubs! (SKILL: creative thinking)