Objective: Children will complete an art project that leads to a scientific discovery.
Materials: light blue or white construction paper, polar bear template, glue, cotton balls, white crayons
- Give each child a piece of white or light blue paper and ask them to imagine it is the snowy Arctic. If they like, they can add to the “snowy” scene by drawing icebergs and snow drifts with white crayon!
- Next, give each child a polar bear template and have children cut out their polar bears. Then they can glue the polar bear to the paper. For “fur,” have children glue cotton balls to cover the polar bear.
- Talk with children about the idea of camoufl age. Do they think the polar bear would be easy to see in the snowy Arctic or hard to see? How might the polar bear’s white fur help the polar bear? (It helps it to blend into the background and to sneak up on prey.) (SKILLS: fine motor, scientific thinking)