Objective: Children analyze some building blocks of achieving a dream career.
Materials: My Dream Job skill sheet, pencils, crayons
- As children learned in the issue, Misty’s dream job was to become a professional ballerina— and she did! But it didn’t happen overnight. She needed to learn some special skills.
- Pass out the skill sheets and go over the different sections with children. Have a pre-writing discussion and give some examples. For instance, if you want to be a rock star, you need to learn how to play an instrument and sing in front of people! If you want to write books, you need to practice writing and telling good stories.
- Circulate as children write, providing scaffolding as needed. Finally, let kids draw themselves on the job and tell their favorite part of doing it.
- When children are finished, post their work and have a Career Day at school! (SKILLS: Setting goals, W.1.1 Opinion writing)